1. Object

These general terms define the rights and obligations of the parties involved in the remote reservation of the services proposed by GRIMPE ET CIMES, whose contact details are provided in this booking confirmation document. These terms cover the steps necessary for the booking and it’s follow-up between the contracting parties. The customer acknowledges having read and accepted these general terms as well as the terms of sale concerning the price of all bookings made by internet, via our booking platform. These general terms of sale apply to all reservations made via our booking platform.

2. Booking

The customer chooses the services presented on our booking platform. He acknowledges having read the details regarding the type, the destination and the booking process of the available services on our booking platform and having requested and received all the necessary and/or additional information required to book with full knowledge of what it entails.The customer is solely responsible for his or her choice of services and their suitability for his or her needs, as such we deny any responsibility concerning this choice. The booking is deemed to be accepted by the customer at the end of the booking process.

3. Booking process

Customer bookings are made via the electronic reservation form available on our booking platform. The booking is deemed to be made when the reservation form is received. Prior to any booking, the customer undertakes to provide the information requested in the booking request. The customer certifies the truthfullness and correctness of the information provided. After the final choice of services to be reserved, the reservation process includes, among others, inputting credit card details if a deposit or prepayment is requested, reading and accepting the general terms and conditions of the price reserved before the validation of the reservation and then finally, the validation of the reservation by the customer.

4. Acknowledgement of receipt of your reservation

Our booking platform acknowledges receipt of the customer’s reservation by quickly sending an email. For online booking, the acknowledgement of receipt of the reservation by email summarizes the contract offer, the services reserved, the prices, the terms and conditions of sale for the price chosen accepted by the customer, the date of the reservation made as well as the GRIMPE ET CIMES address, where customers can submit any claims.

5. Customer cancellation or changes

The customer is reminded that in compliance with article L. 121-21-8 12° of the French consumer code, he does not benefit from the right of withdrawal as specified in article L. 121-21 of the French consumer code.
The conditions of sale of the booked price specify the terms and conditions in the event of cancellation and/ or changes made to the booking cancellation process and/or the booking change process:
– up to 7 days before arrival: 100% of the total payment is conserved
– from 8 to 15 days before arrival: 75% of the total booking amount is conserved
– from 16 to 90 days before arrival : 50% of the total booking amount is conserved
– more than 91 days before arrival : 5% of the total booking amount is conserved corresponding to banking and administrative costs
– no show on the day: 100% of the total payment is conserved

Booking cancellations can be made directly to GRIMPE ET CIMES the telephone number is indicated on the booking confirmation sent by email. All bookings are name-specific and cannot be transferred for free or sold to a third party.

6. Using the park’s activities

Any behavior contrary to good morals or public order will lead GRIMPE ET CIMES to ask the customer to stop the activity without any payment and/or reimbursement. The customer accepts this and agrees to abide by the rules of the park. Should the customer break one of the park’s rules, GRIMPE ET CIMES will be obliged to request that he or she stop the activity without any compensation and/or reimbursement.

7. Responsibility

The photos present on our reservation platform are non-contractual. All the best efforts have been made to ensure that the photos, graphics and the texts give the most exact overview possible of the services proposed ; however changes may occur between the moment when the booking is made and the day of provision of services. GRIMPE ET CIMES denies any responsibility for the non-fulfillment or poor fulfillment of the booking in the event of force majeure, because of the customer or of a third party, should the prepayment not be authorized by credit card holder’s bank. Any booking or payment deemed to be irregular, ineffective, incomplete, or fraudulous for a reason attributable to the customer will be cancelled at the customer’s expense, notwithstanding the possibility of taking civil or criminal action against him.

8. Claims

If there are any concerns or disputes, an expert appraisal may be requested within 8 days by either parties. The appraisal is at the applicant’s expense. Any claims you may have in connection with this agreement or with invoicing must be made at the latest one month after the invoice has been issued.

9. Prices

The prices to be paid for the services are indicated before and during the booking. Prices are confirmed to customers in the EURO currency and with all taxes included, they are valid for the period of time indicated on the booking platform. If payment to GRIMPE ET CIMES is made in a currency different from the one confirmed on the booking, the exchange costs are to be paid by the customer. All bookings, whatever their origin, must be paid in euros, unless otherwise specified on site. Unless specified otherwise on the booking platform, additional services are not included in the price. Prices include VAT rates applicable on the day of booking, and any changes to the VAT rate will be automatically applied to the prices indicated on the invoice date. Any changes to legal or reglementary taxes as well as any new legal taxes imposed by the competent authorities will be automatically applied to the price indicated on the invoice date.


With the exception of special rates and terms, the customer provides his bank details to guarantee his booking; by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express… according to the possibilities proposed by the GRIMPE ET CIMES booking platform). The customer must indicate in the designated area (data input secured via SSL Encryption) ; the card number without any spaces between the digits, the validity date (please note that the credit card used must be valid on the date when the park’s services will be used by the customer) and the CVC/CVV number. Upon arrival at the park, the customer must present the same credit card as the one he used to make the booking.

The total amount or a deposit must be paid to validate the booking of any activities.

In the event of a no show on the day of the booked visit, GRIMPE ET CIMES will debit the customer for 100% of the total amount of the booking.

GRIMPE ET CIMES has selected a secure booking system for online payment with credit cards. The validity of the customer’s credit card is verified. Credit card payment refusals may occur for several reasons: stolen card, blocked card, payment limit already reached, incorrect data input… In the event of a refusal, the customer must contact his or her bank as well as GRIMPE ET CIMES in order to confirm the booking as well as the method of payment.

11.Privacy policy

The customer is informed, on each of the personal data collection forms, whether the answers are obligatory or optional by the presence of an asterisk. The collected data is destined for GRIMPE ET CIMES, its entities, partners, service providers (in particular online payment service providers). The customer autorizes GRIMPE ET CIMES to communicate his or her personal data to third parties under the condition that such data communication is required to carry out the reservation under the present general terms and in conjunction with the Customer data protection chart. Particularly, during online payment, the customer’s bank account details must be transferred by the payment system provider to the company’s bank to fulfull the booking agreement. The customer is informed that this data transfer could take place in countries where the personal data protection laws may differ from those in the French data protection law. Nevertheless, the customer consents to this data transfer which is necessary to carry out his booking. Weezevent in their professional capacity, have committed themselves to the company to take all the necessary steps to ensure that the security and the confidentiality of the data is respected during the said data transfers.

12. Agreement in relation to proof

The provision of the required banking information as well as the acceptance of the present general terms and conditions and the booking form or booking request are deemed to be an electronic signature between the parties which has the same value as a written signature.

The computer records stored in electronic systems will be stored in conditions of reasonable safety and deemed to be proof of communication, of orders and payments made between the parties. The customer is informed that his IP address is recorded when his booking is made.

13. Force majeure

Force majeure is understood to mean any unforeseeable and insurmountable external event preventing either the customer or GRIMPE ET CIMES from fulfilling some or all of their obligations stipulated in the contract. Are considered as force majeure, or fortuitous events those usually considered as such by French courts of law and tribunals. Neither party will be accountable to the other for any failure in performing their obligations if it is due to causes referred to as force majeure. It is expressly agreed between the parties, that events of force majeure shall suspend the performance of their mutual obligations and that each party will pay for the expenses resulting from the force majeure event.

14. Dispute resolution

The present terms and conditions of sale are governed by French law without precluding mandatory protective provisions in the consumer’s country of habitual residence.

Completeness of the parties obligations

This general terms of sales, terms of sale of the price reserved by the customer, and the reservation request express the full and complete obligations of the parties. No general or specific terms provided by the customer may be included in these general terms. The documents deemed to formalize the contractual obligations between the parties are, in order of decreasing priority, the reservation request (including the specific terms of the reserved price) and the present general terms. In the event of contradiction between the reservation form and the general terms, the provisions included on the reservation form are the only applicable ones for the obligation in question. These general terms and conditions of online sale may be modified and/or added to by the company. In this case, the new version of the general terms and conditions of online sales will be made available online by the company. The new version of the general terms and condtions of sale will be applicable to all customers as soon as it is posted online.

grimpe-et-cimes  Since 2005 - Season #20

grimpe-et-cimes  Since 2005 - Season #20